Apple tea cake

Recipe by Smeg chef Elke Travers
170g caster sugar
170g butter, softened
170g self-raising flour
2 large eggs
1 lemon, zested
2 apples, quartered, cored and sliced thickly
1 tablespoon sugar, extra
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Set your oven to fan forced and preheat to 180⁰C. Line a 23cm springform tin with baking paper.
Place sugar, butter, self-raising flour, eggs and zest in a large bowl and mix until smooth. Similarly, place ingredients in a stand mixer bowl and, with the flat beater affixed, mix until smooth.
Spoon into prepared tin, top with apples and sprinkle with combined extra sugar and cinnamon.
Bake for 35 minutes until golden and cooked when tested with a skewer.
Elke’s tip: you can easily substitute apples with pears, berries or stone fruit.
Recipe created with the Smeg Classic Thermoseal oven and stand mixer.