Rich flourless chocolate torte

Recipe by Gavin Berrecloth
Serves 10 people
PREP TIME 20 minutes
SETTINGS: Fan Forced at 170°C for 40 minutes, then 95°C for 20 minutes.
EQUIPMENT NEEDS Stand mixer / Whisk attachment / Grease and Paper lined 8 inch Round-deep cake pan
POSITION Shelf level 2
300 g Butter - salted
300 g Dark chocolate (85% cocoa fats) broken into pieces
5 ml Vanilla essence
8 eggs, separated
330 g Caster sugar
80 g Almond meal
20 g Cocoa powder In dusting shaker
150 g Assorted mini chocolate eggs - soft fillings
60 g Raspberries - Fresh or freeze dried
Malted caramel sauce
150 g Butter - salted
150 g Malt extract
50 g Soft brown sugar
Preheat oven to 170°C.
1 Melt butter, chocolate and vanilla.
2 Place egg yolks and just 110g caster sugar into stand mixer bowl, and beat on medium until thick and pale. Reduce speed and slowly add the almond meal and melted chocolate mix.
3 Continue beating til smooth, thick and glossy. Transfer the mix to another bowl. Clean the stand mixer bowl, and dry thoroughly in preparation for the egg whites.
4 Pour the egg whites into stand mixer bowl. Mix on high speed til soft peaks form.
5 Add the remaining 220g caster sugar to the egg whites, and whisk for 5 minutes.
6 Fold half the egg whites through the chocolate mixture to loosen, then fold through the remaining egg whites.
7 Pour the mix into a paper lined cake pan. Drop the chocolate eggs into the mix.
8 Place into the preheated oven and cook for 40 minutes. Reduce heat to 95°C and cook for a further 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.
9 Gently press the mini chocolate eggs into the top of the torte. Dust with the cocoa powder.
10 Allow torte to chill for 30 minutes, to set. When cool, top with the raspberries.
11 For the malt caramel, place all ingredients in a small pan and bring to a simmer for 3 minutes.
TO SERVE, Drizzle with the warm malt caramel and cut into slices.